Brownstone Restoration Services

Softer stone, such as brownstone and other sedimentary rocks, can show signs of extreme deterioration due to water and other natural forces at a much faster rate than brick or concrete. In addition to repointing for structural integrity, brownstone can be restored to its original beauty through composite patching, color matching, and surface finishing by the Premier’s professional craftspeople.


Brownstone is a type of sedimentary stone that is commonly associated with buildings from the mid-to-late 19th century, but was also used on 18th century mills and mill houses constructed by Pennsylvania Quakers. The qualities that made it a popular building material have also resulted in its greatest weakness. The material is unusually easy to carve and quarry, but is also highly susceptible to weathering and damage over time.

Many historic and distinguished streets in Philadelphia are known for their brownstone rowhouses, but these buildings also face the challenges brought by the stone’s design characteristics. Moisture, cold weather, and pollution can wear away the surface of the stone and cause permanent damage. Premier has worked on brownstone structures throughout Philadelphia and has the experience to ensure repairs are compatible and do not accelerate damage to the existing material, as can happen with unqualified restorers.